Hi 👋,
I'am Harsha C
MERN Developer
I'am Harsha C
A Full Stack Web Developer, passionate about building digital products that improve the everyday experience for people. I love to work on the most exciting projects to test my knowledge. And I am also interested in working with a team and making good relationships with colleagues. Most importantly looking for an ethical and accessible way to solve the problem faced in day-to- day life.
Front-end Skills
Back-end Skills
Soft Skills
Tripoto Clone
Tripoto is the website where you are able to book hotels, and tickets,
for holidays in and out of the nation along with guides. And also we are
giving an opportunity to design the package too.
A collaborative project, built-in 5 days by a team of 5 developers and designers. I and my team try our best to clone the website.
Features: Home page, Login page, Details about Dubai Page, Blog Page of Dubai, Package Page, and CheckOut or Booking Page
Tech Stack : HTML | CSS | Javascript | React | Redux | Chakra-UI | Material-UI
Bobbibrown Clone
We are not an online shop, and we don't sell products.
We are an inspiration and online search platform that allows
shoppers to price compare products and proceed with their
orders with one easy click. More than a search engine, the
Stylight online magazine offers the best in beauty, fashion,
and home & living inspiration. Please contact the respective
online shop directly if you have questions concerning an order.
Features : Home page,Login page ,Profile page,Product page,Cart page ,
Shipping-address page,Checkout page.
Tech Stack : HTML | CSS | JavaScript | Bootstrap
Myntra Clone
We are the fashion expert in India. Myntra is an online shop where you
can buy clothes and accessories from top brands at a fair price. My
website is a clone of the inspiration of an actual website. Here you can
see the products and product details of some available men's t-shirts
of top brands.
Features: Home page,Login page,Mens page,Product page,
Product-details page,Wishlist page,Cart page, Shipping-address page ,
Checkout page.
Tech Stack : HTML | CSS | JavaScript | Chakra UI | React
Cricbuzz Clone
Cricbuzz is an Indian cricket news website. It features, news, articles, and live coverage of cricket matches including videos, text commentary, player stats, and team rankings.
You can find all the relevant details about cricket on this website.
Crickbuzz provides all news related to cricket, the live scores, tournaments, Schedule matches, and many more.
Features : Log-in, Sign-up, and Payment Page. Latest scores, news,
articles, etc. Avail Cricbuzz Plan.
Tech Stack : HTML | CSS | Javascript